I was admitted to this university, how can I enroll?
You can register to our university with the electronic registration process through the e-Government portal between the dates determined by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education. If you could not register electronically, you can register face-to-face at the Registration-Admissions Offices in the Faculties and Schools of our University during the dates determined by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education.
How can I reach the university campus which I was admitted?
You can have an access the address using Academic Units section in the below link:
How can I access contact information of the academic unit which I was admitted?
You can have an access the information using Academic Units section in the below link:
Is there any ‘KYK’ student dormitories in your city?
Information on the ‘KYK’ dormitories in our city is as follows;
Type: Female
Address: Osmaniye Village Kabraz Creek Location Ayancık Road (Opposite to the Faculty of Theology) Merkez/Sinop Capacity: 2218
Type : Separate
Telephone : 0(368) 613-4632, 0(368) 613-4665
Fax: 03686134655
Address : Yalı Dist. Atatürk Av. No:68 Ayancik/Sinop
Type : Girl
Telephone : 0216 454 0800
Fax: 03682603867
Address : Gelincik District Stadium Road Merkez/Sinop
Type : Girl
Telephone : 0(368) 271-4538, 0(368) 271-5261
Fax: 03682715491
Address : Osmaniye Village Tefnelik Neighborhood No:32
Type : Separate
Telephone : 0(368) 315-1987
Fax: 03683151977
Address : Çamlıca District Çamlıca Av. No: 7 Boyabat/Sinop
Type : Male
Telephone : 0(368) 260-3837
Fax: 03682603867
Address : Kefevi Mah. Yusufaralığı Sokak No:15 MERKEZ/SİNOP
How can I get student e-mail address?
After filling out the student corporate e-mail application form available at https://bidb.sinop.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/sites/108/2020/05/OgrenciKurumsalEpostaFormuSozlesmesi.pdf and sending a scanned copy to eposta@sinop.edu.tr, your requested e-mail account will be created and e-mail access information will be notified to your phone via SMS
How can I connect university WIFI in the campus?
Wireless internet (wireless) access is available in the buildings of all campuses of our university. Over SinuWinet network; Your User Name: Your Student Number and your Password: The last six (6) digits of your Republic of Turkey ID Number.
Does the university provide scholarship for the students?
Sinop University Foundation provides food and success scholarships to those who need and successful students for 7 months. In addition, Sinop University Foundation provides scholarship for 12 months in 4 years to students who are enrolled in the Department of Water Resources Engineering (including additional quotas), except the optional preparatory class, for 12 months for 4 years starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, and to our students enrolled in the English/Arabic compulsory or elective preparatory class at the School of Foreign Languages, 2000 (two thousand) TL gratuitous success scholarship is provided to each of our 10 students who score 60 and above in one of the centralized foreign language exams in the period between June-December 2021.
How can I get information about my contribution/tution fee and student number?
After completing your registration process at our university, you can log in to http://obs.sinop.edu.tr/oibs/ogrsis/no_query.aspx and find out your student number and the Contribution / Tuition Fee, if there is any, you need to pay. The tuition fee of students who enroll in the first formal education programs within the normal education period are covered by the state.
Is there a tuition fee discount for students with special needs (disabilities)?
During enrollment or renewal of enrollment in higher education programs, a discount is made on the tuition fee to be paid by students who will enroll in second formal education programs who submit the report that they are disabled to the relevant higher education institution in accordance with the Law No. 5378 on Disabled Persons dated 01/07/2005 and published in the Official Newspaper dated 14/01/2012 and numbered 28173 “Regulation on Disability Criteria, Classification and Health Board Reports to be Given to the Disabled”. Students who are disabled but cannot submit a report of disability during enrollment or registration renewal will be refunded the amount of the discount to be made up to the disability rate from the refusals and refunds item on the date of submission of the relevant document.
To where and until what date do I have to make/pay my contributions/tution fee?
Our University has made an agreement with T.C. Ziraat Bank for Contribution Fee / Tuition Fee collections, and payments will be made by entering the student number (You can learn your student number and the amount of tuition fee you need to pay here http://obs.sinop.edu.tr/oibs/ogrsis/no_query.aspx) into the system via ATM, Internet banking and Mobile Branch channels of the Bank between the dates specified in the Academic Calendar of our University (Academic calendars: https://oidb.sinop.edu.tr/akademik-takvimler/). For payments to be made via Internet banking and Mobile Branch channels, you must have a demand deposit account at the Bank Branches.
When and how can I receive my student ID card?
After the first registration process is over, the newly enrolled students are identified collectively through the Student Information System, the ID card printing process is carried out immediately and distributed to the relevant academic units. You can pick up your student ID card from the student affairs office of the Graduate School/Faculty/School/Vocational School where you are enrolled on the first day of classes.
How can I log in to your student information system?
https://obs.sinop.edu.tr/oibs/ogrenci/ You can log in by using your e-Government password from the link address or by following the instructions on the page that opens.
How can I communicate with my advisor?
After logging into your Student Information System, your Advisor information will be registered in the “General Operations” section, you can contact them by sending a message from the contact information here and also from the “User Operations > Sent Messages” section in your Student Information System.
How can I access the Education, Training and Examination Regulations and other legislation implemented at your university?
You can access the Education and Examination Regulations and other legislation under the “Legislation” tab on the website of our Student Affairs Department https://oidb.sinop.edu.tr/
For which courses are exemption exams held at your university? When and how can I apply for these exams?
In our university, Foreign Language (English) I and II exemption exams and exemption exams for Basic Information Technologies I-II (ENF101-ENF102 coded courses) and Computer I (ENF104 coded course) courses are held if they are included in the curriculum of your department. You need to make your application by selecting from the “Application Information” section in the Student Information Form when you first log in to the Student Information System automation at https://obs.sinop.edu.tr/oibs/ogrenci/
Which exams are valid for exemption from compulsory foreign language courses?
Exemptions from compulsory foreign language courses are made in accordance with the School of Foreign Languages Foreign Language Education and Examination Directive.
Do you have optional foreign language preparation programs?
Yes, students enrolling in our university for the first time can declare that they want to be placed in the optional preparatory class by applying through the pre-registration system or by using the printed petition/form prepared by the School of Foreign Languages. The conditions for opening an optional preparatory class are determined according to the “Enrollment and Quota” principles in accordance with the School of Foreign Languages Foreign Language Education and Examination Directive.
Can I apply for exemption at your university for the course(s) I have previously taken at another university? Should I register and continue this course until my exemption application is finalized?
You can request exemption by applying within 10 (ten) working days following the start of the courses in the semester you enrolled.
Is there a number or credit limit for the courses to be exempted?
No, there is no such limit.
How can I register for classes?
Within the periods specified in the Academic Calendar, you can register for your courses from the Student Information System and submit them for advisor approval. When your course registration is approved by your academic advisor, your course registration process will be completed.
What is the deadline for course registration?
For course registration dates and other information, you can access our academic calendar at https://oidb.sinop.edu.tr/akademik-takvimler/
What should I do if I missed the course registration date?
If you have a justified and valid excuse, you can apply for an excused course registration with a petition to the relevant dean’s office / directorate. If your excuse is accepted by the relevant Administrative Board, you can register until the “Deadline for Adding and Deleting Courses” specified in the academic calendar. However, students who make an excused registration are counted as absent until the date of their excused registration.
What should I do if I want to change a course which I registered for during course registration?
If you give up a course after registering for a course, you can change the elective course by contacting your advisor within the “Deadline for Adding and Deleting Courses” period specified in the Academic Calendar.
Are there any common elective courses taught throughout the university and what are the conditions for enrollment?
Yes, there are. Our undergraduate students can enroll in a common elective course in each semester instead of the elective course they are responsible for in their curriculum or in addition to their curriculum courses.
The procedures and principles of common elective courses can be found at https://oidb.sinop.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/sites/86/2020/03/Ortak-Se%C3%A7meli-Dersler-ve-Uygulama-Esaslar%C4%B1.pdf
How can I access the exam calendar?
Exams are planned and administered by our academic units between the dates in the academic calendar. You can access the exam dates on the website of the academic unit you are registered in.
In what proportions do midterm and final/semester make-up exam results affect my grade?
The success grade of a course is calculated by adding 40% of the score obtained from the midterm and/or midterm evaluations and 60% of the score obtained from the final or make-up exam or final evaluations. The fractional number resulting from the calculation is increased to a whole number.
What is the rule for being successful in a course?
The success grade of a course is calculated by adding 40% of the score obtained from the midterm exam and/or midterm evaluations and 60% of the score obtained from the final or make-up exam or final evaluations. The fractional number resulting from the calculation is increased to a whole number.
In order to be considered successful in a course; the score obtained from the final or make-up exam or end-of-semester evaluations must be at least 50 and the end-of-semester success score must be at least 50.
Is there a make-up exam for the exams I did not attend?
Students who cannot attend the midterm exams due to justified and valid excuses accepted by the board of directors are given a make-up exam if they apply in due time. There is no make-up exam for the final and make-up exams.
Which situations are accepted as an excuse for the midterm exams I cannot attend?
Justified and valid excuses are as follows:
a) The student has a health-related excuse documented by a medical report from health institutions.
b) The student has had to interrupt his/her education due to natural disasters, provided that it is documented by a document issued by official authorities.
c) In case of the death or serious illness of a first-degree relative, the student has to interrupt his/her education due to the lack of another person to take care of him/her and document this situation.
d) The student certifies that he/she cannot continue his/her education due to economic reasons with a document issued by the official authorities.
e) The student has a finalized conviction that does not require a penalty of expulsion from the higher education institution according to the provisions of the Student Disciplinary Regulation of Higher Education Institutions.
f) Students who have been detained or arrested, if the detention and arrest resulted in non-prosecution or acquittal due to the crime attributed to them.
g) The student loses his/her right to deferment or is conscripted into military service by lifting the deferment.
h) The presence of other situations that the board of directors will accept as an excuse and will be approved by the University Administrative Board.
Can I appeal the exam results? How?
Students can submit a written objection to the exam results to be examined for material errors within five working days from the deadline specified in the academic calendar for the relevant exam results to be entered online. The objection is made to the relevant dean’s office/directorate.
I could not take the final exam of course A. Can I take the make-up exam from this course?
Students who have the right to take the final exam, but do not take these exams with or without an excuse, and students who take the final exam and fail are eligible to take the make-up exam.
My make-up exam grade is lower than my final exam grade? Will the final grade or the make-up grade be taken into account when calculating the letter grade?
If you take the make-up exam, your grade point average is calculated with your midterm and make-up grades.
Is there a semester minimum or maximum credit limit for course registration?
Students can choose a maximum of 45 credits in a semester.
Do I have to take the courses I failed first when registering for courses?
Students can choose a maximum of 45 credit courses in a semester according to the following order:
a) Failed courses from the lower semesters without attendance.
b) Courses from lower semesters that need to be repeated without attendance.
c) Courses that should have been taken in the lower semesters but were not taken.
d) Courses that were taken in the lower semesters and were successful, but are desired to be taken again in order to raise their grades.
e) Courses to be taken in the relevant semester according to the class sequence in the curriculum.
I failed elective course A, do I have to take the same elective course the following year?
The elective courses that students have failed from within or outside the department can be dropped upon the request of the student, the appropriate opinion of the advisor and the decision of the board of directors. In this case, the student enrolls in another elective course to be opened in that semester. The attendance requirement is sought again for the course to be taken instead of the dropped course.
Can I retake the courses from the lower semesters even though I do not have a repeat course to increase my GPA?
In order to increase their grades/average, our students can retake the courses that they have taken and succeeded in the lower semesters.
What is a prerequisite course? Is there a prerequisite course at your university?
A prerequisite course is a course for which one or more of the courses in the lower semesters must be passed or the attendance requirement must be fulfilled. There are prerequisite courses in some higher education programs at our university.
Can I take courses from the upper semester?
Students with a GPA between 2.50 and 2.99 can take 5 ECTS, students with a GPA between 3.00 and 3.49 can take 10 ECTS, and students with a GPA of 3.50 and above can take 15 ECTS courses from the upper year. In any case, the total credits taken in a semester cannot exceed 45 ECTS. In order to take courses from the upper class, there must be students in the relevant class and the course to be selected must be open in the relevant semester.
Is it compulsory to attend classes?
Students are required to attend at least 70% of the theoretical courses and at least 80% of the course applications, internships, workshops and laboratories in order to take the final exam of a course. In case of need, the attendance percentages of courses, laboratories and applications can be increased.
Are all courses given face-to-face at your university?
There are face-to-face, distance and partially distance education programs at our university. Before choosing or registering for a higher education program at our university, you can get information about the programs on our website. How are the exams of the courses taught through distance education programs conducted?
In distance education programs, exams can be partially or completely online via the internet. If some of the courses in the first and second formal education programs are taken from distance education programs, the exams for the relevant courses can be partially or completely online.
Can a student who is absent from a course take the final and make-up exams?
In order to be able to take the final and/or make-up exams of a course, it is required that the course registration is made and the attendance requirement is fulfilled.
Are excused periods (health report, etc.) counted as absenteeism?
Health excuses that students will document with a delegation report from public hospitals or private hospitals contracted with the Social Security Institution (SSI) are accepted as an excuse in the calculation of absences. However, if the total absenteeism periods, including the periods when the students are on leave and / or report, exceed 50% of the total hours of a course in that semester, the student is considered to be absent from that course.
How and on which dates can you freeze your registration at your university? How long can I suspend my registration during my education?
Students; In case of important reasons to be documented or non-university scholarships, internships, research and similar opportunities that will contribute to their education and training, with the decision of the board of directors of the relevant unit, they can freeze their registration for a maximum of four semesters during their education period, up to two semesters at a time. Students who freeze their enrollment in this way cannot continue their education and cannot take exams. The period of registration freeze is not counted from the education period. At the end of the registration freeze period, the student continues his/her education from where he/she left off, provided that he/she starts from the beginning of the semester he/she left. The application for registration freeze is made before the start of classes in each academic year. Applications for suspension of enrollment made after the start of classes are not taken into consideration.
Justified and valid excuses are as follows:
a) The student has a health-related excuse documented by a medical report from health institutions.
b) The student has to interrupt his/her education due to natural disasters, provided that it is documented by a document issued by official authorities.
c) In case of the death or serious illness of a first-degree relative, the student has to interrupt his/her education due to the lack of another person to take care of him/her and document this situation.
d) The student certifies that he/she cannot continue his/her education due to economic reasons with a document issued by the official authorities.
e) The student has a finalized conviction that does not require a penalty of expulsion from the higher education institution according to the provisions of the Student Disciplinary Regulation of Higher Education Institutions.
f) Students who have been detained or arrested, if the detention and arrest resulted in non-prosecution or acquittal due to the crime attributed to them.
g) The student loses his/her right to deferment or is conscripted into military service by lifting the deferment.
h) The existence of other situations that will be accepted as an excuse by the board of directors and approved by the University Administrative Board.
All kinds of applications related to the excuse are made to the relevant dean’s office / directorate until the end of the working day following the end of the excuse. Applications that are not made within the deadline and referrals for one-day treatment that fall on exam dates are not processed. Students whose health report is accepted by the board of directors cannot attend classes and take exams during the report period.
Can I get back the Contribution Fee / Tuition Fee I have paid after my registration freeze?
Yes, you can request a refund by applying to the unit student affairs office with a petition including the bank account information you want the refund to be made.
Can I get my Student Certificate (Turkish/English) and Transcript Document (Turkish/English) without coming to the University?
You can obtain these documents by requesting a Student Certificate and Transcript Certificate through the Student Information System (SIS); you can print out the documents produced in Turkish and e-signed. English versions of these documents are provided by the student affairs office. In addition, student certificate, transcript and graduation certificate can also be obtained through the e-Government Gateway.
How can I get a transcript showing disciplinary status?
The transcripts of students who have no disciplinary penalties will show this information as “NO DISCIPLINARY PENALTY”. You can only apply to the unit student affairs office for a document showing the disciplinary status.
How can I access your transfer calendar?
You can follow the transfer calendar on the website of our Presidency “https://oidb.sinop.edu.tr/“.
LYS/YGS puanımla (Ek Madde 1 kapsamında) üniversitenize yatay geçiş yapabilir miyim?
Can I transfer to your university with my LYS/YGS score (within the scope of Additional Article 1)?
Detailed Information: https://www.yok.gov.tr/ogrenci/guz-ve-bahar-donemi-ek-madde-1-uygulama-ilkeleri
Can I transfer from open or distance education to formal education?
In order to transfer from open and distance education to higher education programs of our university, the GPA of the student in the program in which the student is studying must be 80 or above out of 100 or the central placement score in the year of enrollment must be equal to or higher than the base score of the diploma program he / she wants to transfer.
Can I transfer from a foundation university to your university?
Students can transfer to our University from a university, institute of high technology or vocational schools established by foundations without being affiliated to a university in accordance with the legislation.
I am studying at a university abroad. Can I apply for transfer to your university?
Only students who are placed in foreign universities included in the Student Selection and Placement System (ÖSYS) Guide according to the results of the Basic Proficiency Test and Higher Education Institutions Examination conducted by ÖSYM can apply for the transfer quotas of our university.
I have failed courses from the lower semesters, can I transfer to your university?
Students who will apply for transfer must be successful in all courses they have taken in the diploma program they are enrolled in. The applications of students who have failed courses from previous years are not evaluated.
Can I transfer from regular formal education to the second education of the same program?
In the same higher education institution, students can transfer from first education to second education in the same diploma programs without quota limitations. However, students who transfer to a second education diploma program pay a second education fee.
Can I transfer to the regular formal education of the same program in the second formal education?
In higher education institutions, students can only transfer from second education to second education diploma programs. However, students who are in the top ten percent of their class in terms of success from second education diploma programs can transfer to first education diploma programs within the quota.
In which semesters is transfer between higher education institutions possible?
Within the scope of Additional Article 1 (With Central Points), transfer can be made to undergraduate and associate degree programs in the Fall and Spring Semesters.
With inter-institutional transfer (General Weighted Grade Point Average), transfer can be made to undergraduate and associate degree programs in the Fall Semester and only to associate degree programs in the Spring Semester.
Transfer to the preparatory class of associate and undergraduate diploma programs, the first semester and the last semester of associate diploma programs, the first two semesters and the last two semesters of undergraduate diploma programs cannot be transferred.
Can I transfer to an undergraduate or associate degree program with Inter-Institutional Transfer (General Weighted Grade Point Average) between semesters?
In the spring semester, only associate degree programs can be applied with Inter-Institutional Transfer (General Weighted Grade Point Average).
Transfer cannot be made to the preparatory class, first semester and last semester of associate degree programs.
Is it possible to transfer between different programs?
Within the scope of Additional Article 1 (With Central Points), transfer can be made in accordance with the following rule.
The student’s central placement scores in the year of enrollment must be equal to or higher than the base score of another diploma program in the year of entry, (For example, if a student enrolled in the Business Administration (score type TM1) program has an MF4 score among the central placement scores and this student’s MF4 score is equal to or higher than the base score of the Civil Engineering program he / she wants to transfer to, he / she will be able to transfer within the framework of the application principles.
Detailed Information: https://www.yok.gov.tr/ogrenci/guz-ve-bahar-donemi-ek-madde-1-uygulama-ilkeleri
Is it possible for public employees to transfer due to transfer?
In the event that those who are assigned to permanent and permanent public services in public institutions and organizations are permanently assigned to another place, they and their dependent children and spouses can be transferred to each class or semester of the equivalent diploma program, except for the last class or the last two semesters, within one month at the latest from the beginning of the academic year, provided that their central placement scores at the entrance to the diploma program they are enrolled in are higher than the base score of the diploma program in the higher education institution they will go to as of the year they are placed, without seeking a quota.
Which class will I take after transferring?
In credit transfer and adjustment procedures, each 30 credits corresponding to the courses transferred from the previous education are considered equivalent to one semester in the calculation of the class in which the student will enroll, and the student is adjusted to the class in which he / she will start his / her education, taking into account the courses and credits required to graduate from the higher education program in which the student will enroll.
Are the grades I received at my previous university transferred to your university as “M” (Exempt) or as points/grades?
In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Principles of Transferring Between Associate Degree and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Credit Transfer Between Institutions; The courses that the student has taken and succeeded in the previous higher education diploma program are evaluated by the board of directors and the credits and success points related to these courses are counted instead of the student’s obligations in the diploma program in which the student is enrolled.
How can I transfer to your university?
You can register to higher education undergraduate programs of our University with the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) organized by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).
How can I find out the courses I am exempt from after vertical transfer, the courses I need to take and from which grade we will start?
a) In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Principles of Transferring Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Credit Transfer Between Institutions; The courses that the student has taken and succeeded in the previous higher education diploma program are evaluated by the board of directors and the credits and success points related to these courses are counted instead of the student’s obligations in the diploma program in which the student is enrolled.
b) Students who graduated from any program of a faculty or college affiliated to a national university or enrolled in the University as a result of the central exam conducted by ÖSYM while enrolled can continue their higher education program without requesting any exemption. If the student requests exemption, the adjustment of the courses he / she has taken and succeeded in the previous higher education program is made to the higher education program he / she is enrolled in.
c) As a result of the evaluation of previous education, the credits and success points related to the transferred courses are taken into consideration in the student’s GPA calculation.
d) In credit transfer and adjustment procedures, each 30 credits corresponding to the courses transferred from previous education are considered equivalent to one semester in the calculation of the class in which the student will enroll, and the student is adjusted to the class in which he / she will start his / her education, taking into account the courses and credits required to graduate from the higher education program in which the student will enroll.
e) The application for the evaluation of prior learning is made within ten working days following the start of the courses in the semester in which the student enrolls. Applications that cannot be made in time are evaluated in the next semester. However, no evaluation is made for the courses that the student enrolled in the previous semesters at the University.
Do you have a summer school program at your university?
We have a summer school application for some higher education programs of our university.
How can I apply for summer school?
Higher education programs that announce that they will implement summer school can apply and register in accordance with the principles determined.
Can I attend the summer school of another university?
In accordance with the Yaz Okulu Yönergesi, our students can attend the summer school as a private student in universities where a program higher than the base point of the university’s program is offered in the relevant year.
Students who want to attend summer school at other higher education institutions as a private student must fill out the Sinop University Private Student (Summer School) Course Request Form and submit it to the relevant Dean’s Office / Directorate.
Students who want to attend summer school at more than one higher education institution as a private student must fill out the Sinop University Private Student (Summer School) Request Form for Taking Courses from Other Universities separately for each university and submit it to the relevant Dean’s Office / Directorate (Applications can be made for a maximum of three higher education institutions to attend summer school as a private student in one academic year).
How is the grade/score I received from another university’s summer school transferred to my own Faculty/School?
The courses and grades in the transcript document sent from the University where summer school courses are taken are adjusted to the courses of our University by the unit Administrative Board. The numbers and letter grades determined as a result of the adjustment are entered into the Student Information System.
How many courses can I take in summer school?
Students participating in the summer school as a special student can take a maximum of three courses in one academic year.
When and how can I apply to study at another university as a special student?
All applications for special student status must be submitted to the higher education program in person or by mail before the start of education at our University in the relevant academic year. Applications submitted with incomplete documents and application documents received after the deadline due to postal delays will not be processed.
Students who want to study at other higher education institutions as a private student must fill out the Sinop University Request Form for Studying at Another University as a Private Student and submit it to the relevant dean’s office / directorate.
The evaluation of the application form is made by the relevant board through the student information packages announced on the institutional internet addresses of higher education institutions. However, if the information on the institutional website of the relevant higher education institution is incomplete or not suitable for evaluation, the applicant must attach these documents to the application form as approved.
What is the minimum and maximum number of semesters I can apply to a different university as a special student?
As a special student, you can apply for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of two semesters at a time.
How long can I study at a different university as a special student for my entire academic life?
The opportunity to be a special student can be used for a maximum of two semesters during a program. This period can be extended upon the request of the student and the decision of the Council of Higher Education only under the following conditions:
a) The student has been diagnosed with a serious illness that cannot be cured in the province of residence due to his/her education after his/her placement in the higher education institution or the progression of the existing illness has been documented with a medical board report from a state hospital or a state university hospital.
b) The proposal of the university board of directors stating that it is not possible for the student to continue his/her education at the higher education institution where he/she is enrolled due to acts such as assault and violence.
When I go to a different university as a private student, to which university will I pay the Contribution Fee / Tuition Fee?
As a private student, students pay the Contribution Fee / Tuition Fee to the higher education institution where they are enrolled.
Can we take upper/lower courses at the University we attend as a special student?
Unsuccessful or untaken courses from the lower semester can be taken. However, courses from the upper semester can be taken by students who meet the success requirement for taking courses from the upper semester / year specified in Sinop University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations.
Are the grades we receive at the University we attend as a special student status recorded as “M” (Exempt) or exactly as they are?
The courses and grades in the transcript document sent from the University where the student attends as a special student are adjusted to the courses of our University by the unit Administrative Board. The numbers and letter grades determined as a result of the adjustment are entered into the Student Information System (SIS).
Does your university have national/international exchange programs for students?
Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi student exchange programs are implemented at our university.
Are there Double Major/Minor programs at your university?
Yes, Double Major/Minor programs are available at our university.
When to apply to the Double Major Program?
Students can apply to the second major diploma program at the beginning of the third semester of the major diploma program at the earliest and the fifth semester at the latest.
Who can apply to the Double Major Program?
Students who have a GPA of at least 70 out of 100 in the major diploma program at the time of application and who are in the top twenty percent of the success ranking in the relevant class of the major diploma program can apply to the second major diploma program.
Is it necessary for the student applying to the Double Major Program to be successful in all courses taken?
In order to apply to the double major diploma program, the student must successfully complete all the courses taken in the major diploma program until the semester of application.
Can I apply for more than one double major at the same time?
You cannot enroll in more than one second major diploma program at the same time. However, it is possible to enroll in the second major diploma program and the minor program at the same time.
When to apply for a minor program?
Students can apply to the minor program at the beginning of the third semester of the major undergraduate program at the earliest and the sixth semester at the latest.
Does the certificate given to those who complete the minor program replace the diploma?
Only a certificate of achievement (minor certificate) is issued to those who complete minor programs. This document does not replace a diploma.
What should be the GPA of the students applying to the minor program?
The GPA of the student applying to the minor program must be at least 65 out of 100 in the major program at the time of application.
What is a graduation exam?
Students who fail at most three of the courses foreseen in the curriculum for graduation in higher education programs; If they apply in writing within the periods specified in the academic calendar, they are taken to the graduation exam, with the decision of the board of directors, for these courses for which they fulfill the conditions for taking the exam. If the score obtained in these exams is 60% of the full score, the student is considered successful. Students who fail the graduation exam repeat this course(s) within the periods stipulated in Law No. 2547. Students who have a compulsory internship in the higher education program benefit from the graduation exam right even if they have not done their internship. How to fulfill the graduation exam requirements for applied courses is determined by the board of directors. There is no excuse for the graduation exam.
What are the graduation requirements?
Students are required to take at least 120 ECTS courses to graduate from associate degree programs and at least 240 ECTS courses to graduate from undergraduate programs. Credits related to the courses taken in the preparatory class are not included in this calculation. Students who are determined that they cannot complete their credits with the courses in the curriculum during their education or at the graduation stage can complete their credits by taking elective courses from the following semester.
In order to graduate, the General Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) must be at least 2.00 out of 4. Students whose GPA is below 2.00 at the graduation stage participate in the average raising exam from the courses they have been successful in previous years.
Does Sinop University accept International (Foreign) students?
International (Foreign National) students are accepted to our university. The procedures and procedures regarding international students are carried out in accordance with the Sinop University International Student Application and Admission Directive, and you can visit the International (Foreign National) Student Office of our Presidency for application conditions, quotas and other issues or you can get information on our website.